临近回美国的日子,我去外婆家看望,等到快走的时候,外婆默默地从橱子里拿出了二十多双她亲手做的,工艺独特的绣花布鞋,有室内穿的,室外穿的,夏天穿的,冬天穿的,统统都是我的尺码。外婆今年已经87岁,眼睛不好,做鞋子的速度已经大不如前,一双大概要两星期的时间才能完成。我问外婆怎么会有这么多双鞋给我,她只是笑着跟我说:“我要拼命做鞋子,直到我做不动了,才会停歇,这样即使我不在人世,你也还是会有我做的鞋子穿。” 后来妈妈告诉我,外婆在我不在中国的时候,每天都在为我做鞋子。
My grandma, Xixiu Zhao, an 87-year-old Chinese woman, has her own unique way of creating beautiful embroidered shoes for loved ones. All these decades, she never sold them, but made them as gifts for family members and friends.
In my case, she has continued making shoes for me from infancy until adulthood – even now, while I live so far away in America. No matter where I am, I always have my grandma’s handmade shoes with me. They make me feel close to home, helping me to be brave and confident when I travel life’s valleys.
World Premiere:
Venue: Screening Hall 1, Broadway Cinema, InCity, NIngbo, China.
Time: 14:00 p.m., 10th April (Saturday)
Doctors from mental health hospital in Ningbo, China discover the painting talents from patients when they are trying to use painting as a treatment method.
My given name is Temple Beaufort Green Jr, but most know me as Buzz, which I have been called since before I could walk. I was born in New Orleans, my youth was in the central coast area (Salinas, Monterey) of California but in my adult life have lived in places as different and far apart as Boston and Bangkok, including Seattle, Honolulu, Jakarta and Phoenix amongst many others.
I am basically retired but drive commercially for limo companies and ride sharing companies.
The hugging card is my way of memorializing my wife. She cut the article out of the paper about 30 years ago that extols the benefits of hugging. I am a hugger and want to spread the word, so a couple of years ago I decided that in order to share it I needed to print cards with it on it. First printing was 2000 cards and it nearing time to reprint. The response is universally positive.
As for a definition of love my aunt once said to me that when you truly feel that you don't want to spend another day of your life without that certain someone in it, you are probably in love. That feeling encompasses everything positive about "love".
Texts on the hugging card:
Hugging is healthy: It helps our body's immune system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug. Hugging is all natural: It is organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients and 100 percent wholesome.
Hugging is practically perfect: There are no movable parts, no batteries to wear out, no periodic checkups, low energy consumption, high energy yield, inflation-proof, non-fattening, no monthly payments, no unsurance requirements, theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting and of course, fully returnable.